27.02.2010, 22:11
Im Königreich wird die Einstellung des Kaisers, welcher in Ramberg König Artus III. genannt wird propagiert.In Schulen und Universitäten, im gesamten öffentlichen Leben wird er zu einer heroischen Person stilisiert.
His most magnificient, royal and imperial majesty
Arthur of House Targaryen the first of his name
By the Grace of the old gods and the new
Emperor of Devon
King of Cumberland, of Anglia, Scotia and Hibernia, also King of Ramberg
Grandduke of Devon
Defender of the Faith
Protector of the Realm
Arthur of House Targaryen the first of his name
By the Grace of the old gods and the new
Emperor of Devon
King of Cumberland, of Anglia, Scotia and Hibernia, also King of Ramberg
Grandduke of Devon
Defender of the Faith
Protector of the Realm